Mechanical toys & more
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Step into a world of mechanical & craft. Explore our exquisite model kit collections, uniquely designed by like-minded individuals like us, for you. Let's excite our inner child with the wonders of engineering and design!
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Build Your Own Vintage Ride: The Jeep Willys Kit
Jeep Willys kits come in a variety of types, ranging from basic kits with only essentials to complete kits with all the extra bells and whistles.

Learn how to play the Hurdy Gurdy Effectively - 8 Time Saving Tips
To play the hurdy-gurdy, one needs to learn the basics, such as turning the crank, pressing the keys, and producing different pitches. The instrument can be used to play chords...

An In-depth Guide to a Vitascope
We watch videos (also known as motion pictures) every day. It’s hard to avoid seeing one with all the screens around us - from our phones to televisions, and even...